Conduct functional and understanding assessment and prepare training plan for DAP
Give special education intervention to DAP if required at OSC and at home of DAP.
Do periodic special education evaluation within Individualized Intervention Plan
Train DAP and their caregivers to follow the therapeutic and daily activities planned for them by visiting their home or school.
Prescribe TLM, train CWD and their caregivers in using TLM.
Link children and adults with disabilities with schemes and services marked for individuals with disability.
Facilitate CWD or their caregivers for monthly caregivers group meetings at block level or neighbourhood centre level.
Conduct awareness programs for various stakeholders in the community as per plan.
Prepare and Submit report as expected for the cadre
Any other duties with the capacity of special educator arise in the implementation of Enabling Inclusion program.
All Jobs posted by: Gandhigram Trust
Rotary India Literacy Mission (RILM) 2025-06-05
Andhra Pradesh, Chandigarh, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Orissa, Uttarakhand