Welcome To Human And Environment Links Progressive Organization -(HELP-O)

Vision of the Organization: The vision of the organization is to implement the systematic resource management program for improving environmental sensitive areas and the biodiversity of Sri Lanka and minimizing ethnic conflicts with the motive of encouraging sustainable peace including participatory development approach. Including Human Rights Objectives of the Organization ?

Strengthen the local level CBO’s enabling them to be meeting strong and independent entities within the development process ?

Create an appropriate environment for the exchange of ideas, information and materials between the city stakeholders ?

Disseminate the information on development issues ?

Support communities to organize small groups, youth federations to ensure maximum community participation ?

Participatory implementation of project irrespective of ethnic diversity to enjoy equal opportunities to live as one Sri Lankan nation ?

To ensure sustainable Human Rights.

Formation of the Organization: The organization has registered as a NGO in 1992 under the Social Service Department of Sri Lanka. And under voluntary social services organization Registration & supervision Act No.31 of 1980as amended by Act No.8 of1998 Reg: No. L 42002 the overall management of the organization is coordinated by the elected Board of Directors. Under their supervision, Executive Director is responsible for managing day-to-day administrative works with its project staff.

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chathura welivitiya ++94773737824,

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