Welcome To Ngorongoro Indigenous Maasai Organization

MISSION STATEMENT To empower the Maasai people so that they can make better-informed decisions affecting their future, and to minimize permanent migration of young men and women from the community into urban areas (brain drain). EDUCATION


• To build learning institutions such as a primary school, secondary school, vocational and training college, library, cultural center and other educational institutions essential to community self-reliance and cultural conservation.

• To set up and run an educational fund program for bursaries, scholarships and other educational sponsorships for needy students from the area.

• To build a health center/clinic and promote a community health education and disease prevention program.

.To builds a radio station which will aim to disseminate necessary information to the targeted Maasai community.

We have Not updated about documents, come back soon or contact to us.

Loserian 0787270094,

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