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Welcome To ANAFAE

Our Mission

to support and expand provision of adult education;

to provide adult education multipliers with initial and ongoing training so as to improve their skills and upgrade their qualifications;

to foster the improvement and wider dissemination of adult education content and methods;

to engage national institutes of education and vocational training in dialogue around basic adult education concepts and strategies and the values and social concepts that need to be developed to ensure lifelong learning;

to promote networking among practitioners engaged in government and non-government institutions, especially in literacy programmes, vocational training projects, women-specific education projects, and civic initiatives, as well as education practitioners employed in the health sector and in cultural institutions;

to promote exchange and cooperation among the various providers of adult education and their staffs in the interest of improving adult education contents, concepts and methods

to elaborate national sector-specific strategies for facilitating the broader population‘s access to qualifying basic and continuing adult education that reflects the everyday life and work situations of target groups

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ANAFAE 0093-700905458, Kair Khana Panjshir watt

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