Search Donation

Search Donation

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Welcome To Search Donation is a unique portal founded by Er. Raj Sahaniya in 2013. is owned and managed by Sahaniya Technologies (OPC) Pvt Ltd, a leading brand in web designing, software development, online marketing services and E-Commerce solutions. The first of its kind portal in the world, aims to provide a single platform to cater to the needs of NGOs, funders, service providers, manufacturers/dealers, jobseekers, individuals and helpless with the primary focus being to connect them all on a single network across the world.

We are committed to provide organizations and companies a platform to network and collaborate with each other. We intend to be the ultimate destination where organizations and companies get everything to meet their specific aims and objectives.

We endeavor to provide a global exposure to every organization/company irrespective of their size and geographic location and thus enable them to showcase their work and gain visibility across the globe through a world class online interface that would lead to further growth and impact.

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Note:This profile page is registered for donations, advertisement, and promotion purpose. While all the information is deemed to be correct, we have not verified them and does not endorse the accuracy of the information published on this website. Readers/Donors are strongly advised to verify them on their own and use the information at their own risk. If you are a business owner click here to manage this profile page.

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List of NGO by Activities

Here is the list of NGOs categorized as per their activities and based in different cities, states and countries. To Export 75000+ Database: Click Here. Kindly select the category to get the list of NGO profiles. To list your NGO with us for free Click Here